(Organized Alphabetically)
Academy of Arcana
Contact person: Anne Duthers, Chair, MGZ Memorial Foundation
Email: AnneDuthers@gmail.com
Location: 428-A Front St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Currently in development, this will be a large storefront housing the Grey School Educational Center, a Museum of Magick and Goddesses, and a Library of Esoterica. The largest area will be “The Goddess Curiosa,” a non-denominational Goddess Temple and meeting/workshop/class space, exhibiting over 350 Goddess votive figurines from the Morning Glory Zell Memorial legacy collection. The reading and research Library, “The Illuminarium,” will contain thousands of books, DVDs, Pagan publications and archives. The “Museum of Mysterie” will feature the Zell collections of magickal and mundane artifacts. And in front will be a store (“Curiosities”) selling magickal books, figurines, jewelry, music and crafts made by various Pagan artists, authors, and musicians.
Adocentyn Research Library
Contact Person: Anna Korn
Location: Albany, CA (just North of Berkeley)
Email: annamkorn@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdocentynResearchLibrary
A Pagan Library for the San Francisco Bay Area. We are a non-profit private Pagan library open to the public for on-site use; resources for Pagan Studies–Pagans studying Paganism and non-Pagans studying Pagans. Currently open for cataloging days on the Second Sunday, Third Thursday, and Fourth Friday of each month, unless a major holiday conflicts with the cataloging. We are seeking detail-oriented, book-loving volunteers to help in the cataloging effort. All you need is some good will, free time, and a Wi-Fi enabled laptop. We can teach you the basics of cataloging using Library Thing. As of January 2016, we have over 8,000 books catalogued. You can see the catalog on our website.
We need donations of books, Pagan newsletters and ephemera, and financial support.
CAYA Coven (Come As You Are Coven)
Contact person: Yeshe Rabbit Matthews, Presiding High Priestess
Phone: 510-444-9355
Email: YesheRabbit@gmail.com
Location: East Bay (The Sacred Well, 536 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610)
Church of All Worlds
Email: Oberon@mcn.org
Circle of Cerridwen
Location: San Jose
Coven Daoine Sidhe
Email: argante.comyn@gmail.com
Covenant of the Goddess (CoG), Northern CA Local Council
Contact person: Anna Korn
Email: annamkorn@gmail.com
Fellowship of Druidism for the Latter Age (FoDLA), Grove of the Bay
Contact person: Joel Schonbrunn
Phone: 408-693-5713
Email: Joel@Schonbrunn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/31908656206/
Location: Fremont
FoDLA is a fellowship of American polytheistic Pagans following the path of Draíocht Nua or Neo-Druidism. Our group is comprised of Neopagans who seek to follow the central spiritual values of traditional pre-Christian Celtic societies, best exemplified by the figure of the ancient Druid. These include, most particularly: A commitment to study, to honor the past and the path that has shaped us; A commitment to piety, to honor the gods and spirits that guide us; A commitment to hospitality, to honor the community and the Land it shares. Within this simple framework of shared values, FoDLA does not engage in passing judgment on matters of metaphysics. How each member of the fellowship conceives of the deities, the Otherworlds, and indeed the ultimate nature of the Cosmos, is a matter for the individual alone–guided by the commitment to study–and FoDLA advocates for tolerance of diverse beliefs within a bond of shared values and a set of basic worship practices.
The Grove is committed to holding public rituals in the Greater SF Bay region, including 1st Quarter Moon rituals, and the 4 “Fire Festivals” known by many names and spellings as Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. The Spring and Fall Equinox as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices are also celebrated with open public ritual.
Grey School of Wizardry
Contact person: Oberon Zell, Headmaster
Email: Oberon@mcn.org
Location: 428-A Front St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Online School of Wizardry & Magick. Incorporated March 14, 2004; 501(c)(3) March 14, 2005. Virtual campus in 2nd Life. 26 faculty members; 400 students ages 11-85 in 50 countries; more than 450 classes in 16 Departments. 7-level Apprentice program; graduates receive Journeyman Letter. Journeyman program in development.
Kemetic Reconstructionist Temple of Sacramento
Contact person: Lisa
Phone: 408-322-4938
Email: mbclewis@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/574814839241495/
Kemetic Reconstructionist Temple of San Jose
Contact person: HiC (pronounced Hi-Cee)
Phone: 650-283-4939
Email: kemetictemplesj@kemetictemple.org
Kemetic Reconstructionist Temple of Ra, San Francisco
Contact person: Richard Reidy
Phone: 415-385-9623
Email: rjreidy@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EternalEgypt
New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (NROOGD)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nroogdtradition
Contact persons: Rachel Watcher, Auntierw@yahoo.com; Gregory Harder, xfact@pacbell.net
The New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (NROOGD) is a Witches’ tradition originating in 1968 in the Bay Area. We have celebrated over 45 years of open Sabbats throughout the Greater Bay Area.
Quercus Seed Group
Email: QuercusSeedGroup@gmail.com
We are a Seed Group of the Order of the Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD.We meet the second Sunday of a month to celebrate the eight Festivals of the year and spend time together. Our meetings take place under the California Redwoods, on the Pacific beaches and up in the mountains all around. The vision is to bring together those deeply connected, in mind, body and spirit, to Nature and in support and love for each other and Nature.
Sisterhood of the Moon
Contact person: Lady Jesamyn Angelica
Email: Info@SisterhoodoftheMoon.org
Location: Hayward, CA (East Bay)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sisterhood-of-the-Moon-116933081685112/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoonSisterhood
Sisterhood of the Moon is a Goddess-only community and circle of Sister-Queens meeting monthly for lunar-based ritual and other cosmic rites, devoted to empowering women and honoring the Goddess within and without. Although we remain primarily a women-only community, we are pleased to announce that a new ritual circle, open to all genders, begins at the Spring Equinox 2016 and our new all-gender children’s circle begins at Beltane 2016. Please see our Schedule page and/or contact us for more information.
The Goddess Grove
Contact person: Hextilda Lemon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/408998742626780
Location: Placerville
We are a 10 acre “Sacred Space” in Placerville. We are putting into practice Sacred Geometry, Biodynamic Farming, and doing earth friendly things in general.
The Order of the Sacred Grove
Contact People: Lady Mau or Lord Shade
Email: zilahami@yahoo.com, osgbirchgrove@gmail.com alternatively OSGmentors@gmail.com
Location: Berkeley, Walnut Creek
We’re of the old religion, sired of Time, and born of our beloved Earth Mother. For too long the people have trodden a stony path that goes only onward beneath a sky that goes only upwards. The Horned God plays in a lonely glad for the people are scatted in this barren age and the winds carry his plaintive notes over deserted heaths and reedy moors and into the lonely grasses. Who knows now the ancient tongue of the Moon? And who speaks still with the Goddess?
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Hello …
Thank you for includig our listing(s) for the Kemetic Reconstructionist Temples.
I am the contact person for the Kemetic Temple of San Jose, and I wanted to make a correction on the phone number that was given to you for the listing.
The CORRECT number should be : 650.283.4939
Would it be possible to have it corrected in the listing ?
Thank you so much … and I do apologise for the erroneous information.
ankh wedja seneb,
HiC Luttmers