San Francisco Reclaiming Solstice at the Beach

2015-12-20 16:00 - 2015-12-20 21:00
Quintara Street and great Highway san francisco Quintara Street and great Highway san francisco

Sunday December 20 (Solstice Eve)  – Winter Solstice — San Francisco, CA

Ocean Beach near Quintara Street. Gather 3:30pm, ritual at 4pm

Join us on the eve of Winter Solstice as we gather to celebrate the longest night of the year. We honor the time of darkness as well as the turning of the Wheel of the Year back toward the light.

Watch yahoo group posts or email for specific plans for the ritual.

Wear warm clothes, and bring food or non-alcoholic drink to share, and a towel if you want to plunge. Flashlights and dry socks are handy. Drums and other instruments are welcome for post-ritual music. Trash bags are a great way to show special love for the beach!

Transit: Take the scenic L-Taraval Muni train from downtown BART stations. Ride to 46th Avenue, walk two blocks to the beach, and look northward for group of beach-loving pagans.

Maps: search for “Quintara and Great Highway, San Francisco 94116”. Walk onto beach, and look for group of beach-loving pagans to North.

For more information, email

All Pagans and Polytheists : Welcome !


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